... Early bird and all that ... we may be at "peak pork" ... consider yourselves forewarned. ML
400 likesfukkinfaded The dead center of pigcision! 2 likes
josh.macintyre Bacon. And LaRue rifles. Meant to be. 😍
adam3gunner Old folks only way to fly! 1 like
nielj_t I am not here to insult US-Americans, but damn who tf is so lazy that they microwave bacon. Thats rape 😤 4 likes
  -  laruetactical @nielj_t ... I don't microwave it, I finish-fry it in a skillet on my gas stove. ML 4 likes
  -  thiswildadventure @nielj_t lmaooooo
  -  greenmans_outdoors @nielj_t hahahaha I've got like 20 packs of it, 72 pieces in each pack. Stores at room temperature. Ready to eat, or you can nuke and crisp it in a minute. I can have bacon whenever tf I want it, with no mess or fuss. In 1 minute. It's the shiiiiit. That alone keeps me from snacking on other garbage.
  -  nielj_t @greenmans_outdoors Cooking bacon in a frying pan takes like 3 minutes 🙄 1 like
  -  greenmans_outdoors @nielj_t 🤣😂😂🤣 fair enough. Know thyself...and knowing myself, and it storing near indefinitely at room temperature, plus the weight being lighter because it's cooked, this is the route for me😉
  -  ericlinnhoff @nielj_t THAT'S a video I'd watch!
riley__patterson How about you guys get to making some more aliens!
whatarewedo1ng I went to Costco today and bought 100 lbs of chicken. It's gonna be peak chicken also.
  -  laruetactical @_cars_be_broke_ ... 💪
icecoldmn If you have a pellet grill,try smoking it for a hour as low as it will go then finish it off at 350,a sprinkle of dillo dust is also a crowd pleaser :) 1 like
dbaz88 @laruetactical Mark, sorry for the off-topic question, but will your rails fit on any upper, or only a Larue upper? I love all of mine but they are all on Larue uppers. I am building a new rifle and want to use one of your rails. Thanks in advance, and sorry again for being off-topic.
  -  laruetactical @donpalombella ... Yes they will, and the LT-220 (M-Lok) is the most popular model. 1 like
  -  dbaz88 @laruetactical thank you. Looking at a 9" quad rail for a mid-length.
nwcruiser No worries on pork, got a freezer full of about a pig and half
  -  laruetactical @nwcruiser ... That's planning ahead 💪 1 like
joe.shelby88 Costco bacon is the best
eadie.steve Started making my own a couple months ago. My wife won't let me buy it anymore...