... In response to my recent Springfield Saint Edge / LaRue MBT2S trigger post ... I got some trigger feedback from the field 💯 ML
341 likesmikenotgonnahappen I'm absolutely stoked that you're finally getting the recognition due for this trigger with the Saint rifle. However im mad that i didn't get a flat mbt before things went nuts lol so ill deal with my curved stuff for the time being till things settle down
moodphotoz Flat and curved for fun!
jmhill_2469 Bought the MBT 2S flat last year. I loved it so much I bought 2 more and sent one to my dad for his birthday. 1 like
regolith247 I've got an MBT 2S on my AR pistol and it makes me seem like a better shot than I am
rugbeater5352 I have your trigger on my lwrc and I love it....