... 10 shot group. 20" PredatOBR 6.5 CM. NightForce 5-25. 100 yards. Hornady American Gunner 140g BTHP. TranQuilo. Squares = 1/2". 10-shot group size = 0.700" (0.668 moa) 🎯 And I'm at a stopping point 😎 LaRue barrel, LaRue trigger, LaRue scope mount, LaRue R.A.T. stock, LaRue TranQuilo suppressor, LaRue, LaRue, LaRue ... yeah yeah, yeah, only 1 out of 10 hit the bullseye 🤷 ML
424 likesandrewmconrad And here I was happy about a 3" group at 100 yards with my 308 😢
sethjamesmusic Dang
storman_67 Damn, that's nice!
kodiak_precision That's ten inside the crows head my friend. You should relax on Sunday. Great shooting and equipment !!
king_cbra Awesome! Can't wait to get mine!
mark_133_navy My HK MR556 .543@100 meters with 10x Nightforce. It's tuff being a NAV asshole; just trying to keep up with the LaRue's......😂😂😂😂😂
d.w.jones Excellent!!!
bklingensmith61 Flinch?! 😂 naa, nice group all day. 👍🏻 1 like