... Please don't wait until a foot long kitchen knife has been shoved through my heart ... ML
2,083 likesrsviscardi I concur
pugntug Come on man! Everyone knows it's a basic human right to be able to stab someone! It's basically in the Constitution! Come on man!
goonschopshop I'll just shoot them myself. I carry!
aliemccormack AMEN!
midwest_jeepguy This is just point all-around bad parenting and poor adult behavior in that community. They allow their kids to act that way, They are just as guilty as the one with a knife in her hand. Disgusting behavior 1 like
minerals_chaser38 In a normal world, this case would go nowhere. I have a feeling with the current climate that this prosecutor is going to be pressured to file some sort of charges against this officer. That would be a travesty.
sandy__mitchell Officer did nothing wrong, he saved a life, and for that he's getting ridiculed ? People act like he had all day to make this decision 🤦
djk91lx Agreed
donbsd Biden said just step out the back and fire your double barrel shotgun in the air. Then if they don't stop that weapon will fuck up both the perp and the victim just to make sure you get the right one!
mikenowacki1972 Nah, I'll just eat my donut.
adhoc.artisan I agree
chris55green 🙌🙌
c.medvetz Pleeeease.
kevin.young.77582 Word
metallicasma Where my California patriots who agree with LaRue at? 🙋 us🙋
qddmg James is a dumbfuck
52gburgess Ocular cavity ok Mark?
lc_mac Hey now. We don't want to be racist here.
gap122129 Amen!
nogood58 You got it!
mr_boatshoes Never bring a knife to a gun fight
fireman4180 Rodger that!
outlaw_jesse_roberts I've recently heard that kids have been stabbing each other for years. It's really not a problem. Maybe a warning shot in the air to calm the situation down is warranted. 20 likes
  -  chasegregory23 @outlaw_jesse_roberts always know your target and what is beyond it right...? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @chasegregory23 ... A metal car 5 likes
  -  chasegregory23 @laruetactical yeah sure, but those aren't in the air. 1 like
  -  insightfirearmstraining @laruetactical a metal car that unless u shoot into the engine block a 9mm round will pass right through. Also dude said warning shot into the air which is just stupid. Sucks the kids is dead, but dont try to stab people 🤷 1 like
  -  outlaw_jesse_roberts @insightfirearmstraining you do get that I was joking right? Nevermind 8 likes
  -  laruetactical @outlaw_jesse_roberts ... Well, it wasn't easy getting a true read on your post🤷 7 likes
  -  max.and.bonds.malinois @outlaw_jesse_roberts maybe the cop should've grabbed the water hose , and put his thumb over the spout... 2 likes
  -  thirtythree_three @outlaw_jesse_roberts Don't worry, man....I got all of the references you were making....from Joy Bahar and firing in the air to "kids have been having knife fights for eons" from that race-baiting Twitter blue-check. I even chuckled a bit at your initial post....then was disappointed to see no one else appreciated it. 2 likes
  -  sean_ls7 @max.and.bonds.malinois They definitely would have called him racist for hosing down a black girl lmao. 1 like
  -  detachment_1 @outlaw_jesse_roberts just more proof that there needs to be a "sarcasm" font 😜
  -  robert.swope @outlaw_jesse_roberts Nah, just bring in an unarmed social worker ofc.That always de-escalates every situation where somebody is mid-swing for a killing blow with a knife duh. 1 like
herefor_thebeer Anyone making that into a shirt yet ? 1 like
tundrapilot001 In Mozambique Drill fashion
chesterfieldhideout Like Barney says "nip it in the bud"!!
vangc83 Can I ask Lebron for some advice? 1 like
  -  fit2practice Just speak slowly and use small words when you ask him...😂 1 like
  -  vangc83 @fit2practice, noted! Thank you for the advice. Can't even let people stab each other these days... 🙄 1 like
5ten_custommetals 💯
downhome_and_whiskey_bent You got it! 😉
bdclone And the day before a 13 yr old girl stabbed and killed another 13 yr old in Cleveland Ohio.
natedivy 💯
krisedwardz Yup. But todays world, if you assist like that you go to jail. Sad outcome to helping a victim.
yeah_trout_that HiGh CaPaCiTy kNiFe
bmayes425 Soon they'll want to take away our knives 🔪
legionpreparedness From Tide PODS to butcher knives..... 🔪🔪🔪
458_socalm Kids been knife fighting for eons... lofl
hunt_northeast This is the 2nd time I have seen this today, what'd I miss? 1 like
  -  pi.stacheo @hunt_northeast people all butt hurt about the police shooting a innocent baby black girl that was stabbing someone in the head with a huge knife. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @slowtac ... It's not about race, it's about stopping a vicious person 17 likes
  -  pi.stacheo @laruetactical the whole reason it became an ordeal is race. Shouldn't be. They did the right thing. But, it's racial liberal tragedy fuel. 5 likes
  -  laruetactical @slowtac ... The way I viewed it was the vicious attacker fought her way through an armed cop in order to be able to attempt murder 🤷 14 likes
  -  pi.stacheo @laruetactical that's how everyone should see it. Almost screams suicide by cop, everyone just standing around till the cops show up.... then...... murder in plain sight 1 like
britosalejandro_ Facts 1 like
michael_nedo You sure? I heard that's normal nowadays for people to stab each other for fun. 6 likes
  -  laruetactical @michael_nedo ... I personally cherish my cardio vascular system. 13 likes
  -  sandman5927 @michael_nedo Ah yes, knife fights for ages and we must not stop them. 1 like
  -  lstactical @sandman5927 yup, "if you can't de-escalate two teenage girls fighting (i.e. one girl trying to fucking stab another girl in the throat) then you shouldn't be a cop". Fantastic advice via the Twitter mob. I wonder what the response would have been if the cop had just stood there and done nothing and let the one girl stab the other to death? 1 like
  -  m_hk_138 @michael_nedo yeah all the kids are doing it. 1 like
  -  jspryce @lstactical they'd be criticizing either way. All from people who have never been in a position like his. The mob should be thanking him for doing the dirty work they can't/won't do. 3 likes
  -  halfmilesniper @michael_nedo I heard stabbing and knife fighting are basic human rights and should be permitted so the teenagers can develop into productive members of society. 2 likes
  -  hobbit0717 @jspryce it was a no win for the cop if he shot or not. 1 like
mbh091 101 yard knife 🔪🔪🔪 What's the plan?
cupcakesmooches Thank you!!! Only an idiot wouldn't want that.
photographerjosh 🔥
stevenguastella Yes sir.
laura_bush_killed_a_guy If someone is about to stab me, don't worry.. I already shot them!😂
  -  laruetactical @laura_bush_killed_a_guy ...Good answer 😎 1 like
outlaw_jesse_roberts I've recently heard that kids have been stabbing each other for years. It's really not a problem. Maybe a warning shot in the air to calm the situation down is warranted. 20 likes
  -  chasegregory23 @outlaw_jesse_roberts always know your target and what is beyond it right...? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @chasegregory23 ... A metal car 5 likes
  -  chasegregory23 @laruetactical yeah sure, but those aren't in the air. 1 like
  -  insightfirearmstraining @laruetactical a metal car that unless u shoot into the engine block a 9mm round will pass right through. Also dude said warning shot into the air which is just stupid. Sucks the kids is dead, but dont try to stab people 🤷 1 like
  -  outlaw_jesse_roberts @insightfirearmstraining you do get that I was joking right? Nevermind 8 likes
  -  laruetactical @outlaw_jesse_roberts ... Well, it wasn't easy getting a true read on your post🤷 7 likes
  -  max.and.bonds.malinois @outlaw_jesse_roberts maybe the cop should've grabbed the water hose , and put his thumb over the spout... 2 likes
  -  thirtythree_three @outlaw_jesse_roberts Don't worry, man....I got all of the references you were making....from Joy Bahar and firing in the air to "kids have been having knife fights for eons" from that race-baiting Twitter blue-check. I even chuckled a bit at your initial post....then was disappointed to see no one else appreciated it. 2 likes
  -  sean_ls7 @max.and.bonds.malinois They definitely would have called him racist for hosing down a black girl lmao. 1 like
  -  detachment_1 @outlaw_jesse_roberts just more proof that there needs to be a "sarcasm" font 😜
  -  robert.swope @outlaw_jesse_roberts Nah, just bring in an unarmed social worker ofc.That always de-escalates every situation where somebody is mid-swing for a killing blow with a knife duh. 1 like