... 6.5CM / Hornady 140 ELD / 5 shots - See what I mean, I've got half inch eyes 👀 But not everyone does, Google "George Farr Trophy" and read old man Farr's amazing story. ML
584 likestateftc Mark, if you pegged your bolt guns against your autos, where would you place your wager?! 1 like
  -  laruetactical @tateftc ... On the steel receiver. 3 likes
  -  tateftc @laruetactical Let me test one of these rifles for you! You've been looking for that avenue of unbiased feedback. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @tateftc ... I'm not biased, I just like knowing where the the aiming point was when the gun went off during proof grouping.
  -  tateftc @laruetactical you're not helping my angle here. Let's pretend you own the company and want an outside view. 😉
  -  cpl0313 @tateftc there's already 5 in the wild and barely a peep. I guess they're leaned up behind the door somewhere. Not sure why they're not getting the shit shot out of them. 1 like
  -  tateftc @cpl0313 are you referring to the NOLO rifles? Did you participate in the NOLO6? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @cpl0313 ... "Honey, you won a rifle !" "Uh yeah, it's a bolt gun in a weird caliber. Gonna give it Marty. He's been digging straight ass trenches with the #3 backhoe. Let him worry about finding ammo." 4 likes
  -  cpl0313 @tateftc I missed 1 and 4.
halfnutz71 What twist?
  -  laruetactical @halfnutz71 ... 8"
  -  halfnutz71 @laruetactical my UU is 1:10 according to your cs. When did you change?
  -  laruetactical @halfnutz71 ... You're UU is what caliber ?
  -  laruetactical @halfnutz71 ... Hasn't changed. and I'm not finding where you're seeing 10". Maybe my drunken IT guys got their inches mixed up.
  -  halfnutz71 @laruetactical 6.5 CM. 1 like
icecoldmn Dam nice group,but let's be honest what did you expect,the dam rifle is a work of art
longrangesurfer Just googled George Farr Trophy. Great story. Thanks.
bsalz @keithadrian8a
808_stevie Now get an m lok rail and that will be a 21st century gun.
  -  laruetactical @hk_stevie ... Are you in the thread you meant to post in ? 1 like