... What he said 😎 ML
144 likesthe_flower_haus10 Much appreciated from WA. You guys cranked out a lot of last minute shipments!
What are the finalized laws? I couldn't get a buffer tube extension piece for the prs stock. ???? 😂
  -  laruetactical @the_flower_haus10 ... New law ? If you like it, Innslee hates it. Hope this helps 💪 1 like
  -  the_flower_haus10 @laruetactical Hahaha.....True!
trainingnorthwest We here behind enemy lines appreciate the companies who shifted all their efforts here the last few months 🙏 3 likes
realwarthog71 Charlie Mikrus
sweshooter Appreciate you support for us in WA! Got my trigger in time! 1 like