... PSA - This is a report about a returned rifle from our "returned rifles" Inspector. Here's what we can learn from this one unit. 1.) Don't change out any of the parts that make it run with anything else, period. 2.) If you don't clean anything else, Clean The Chamber. You guys running non-LaRue cans are caking the chamber's wall with a coating of crap/clinkers ... which crowds the head spacing, driving up pressures, causing caking to accelerate. That's it ... so leave it configured as we shipped it, and clean the chamber regularly. 😎 ML
701 likesjohnsmith6073 Who are these people that will send their rifle in for service without a detail cleaning? 9 likes
  -  laruetactical @johnsmith6073 ... That's a department rifle that has passed through a few different hands over the years. Nobody to blame, just a perfect PSA training moment. 😎 20 likes
  -  dale.patterson.94 @laruetactical , Sounds like each person that used it left it to the next guy to clean it.
whoisdbard Geez! A poor man like myself can only dream of owning a LaRue rifle, but I can't even fathom of swapping parts once I did 🤦 8 likes
  -  dawson_katz @whoisdbard exactly what I was thinking. Why pay for perfection to just put crap in it?? 4 likes
  -  pewpewvette @dawson_katz Take a look at recent Ballistic Advantage posts and you will see why
texassbr_1845 😂
brian_landgraf Is there an award for how many times you can say chamber in a message? 🤣 5 likes
pewpewvette What do you suggest using to clean the chamber? 1 like
  -  pewpewvette @pewpewvette (both mechanically & chemically)
  -  laruetactical @pewpewvette ... Elbow grease 💪 7 likes
  -  pewpewvette @laruetactical yes sergeant. With a toothbrush I suppose?
  -  siegrisj @laruetactical no for real, I would appreciate an answer to this question too. I tend to use a chamber brush followed by a mop when I really am trying to clean it up. Are there any better answers out there? 3 likes
  -  texassbr_1845 @siegrisj you're not polishing brass.
  -  masonwilhelmy @pewpewvette find a brass chamber brush for whichever caliber yours is chambered in. Clean the chamber before the bore, so you can pull all that crud out the muzzle that you can't get with patches from the chamber. Use whatever solvent won't react with a brass brush. 3 likes
  -  pewpewvette @masonwilhelmy that's current procedure, was just curious if there was better
  -  wtt_racing_engines I took a piece of round aluminum stock and center drilled and tapped it so the chamber brush would thread in, then I chuck it up@in my drill and clean my chamber. I'm a thermal pig hunter so I go through a lot of cheap bulk ammo with a can in the end. It's gets nasty fast. 2 likes
  -  pewpewvette @wtt_racing_engines hmmm
  -  atravis02 @siegrisj @pewpewvette Lay a baby wipe over your smallest dick beater (pinky) and finger bang the star chamber like jody did your girl after you left for basic.
As a Drill, this is how I checked star chambers for cleanliness and made some very sad privates who realized their weapon was in fact not as clean as they previously stated. 2 likes
  -  pewpewvette @atravis02 lol yeah, that's exactly what I was hoping to avoid with ... access to more advanced resources and tech.
  -  kcgunner @siegrisj Q tips ans Rubbing alcohol 1 like
7.62stu Almost like you created, designed, tested and improved the whole system.....but shadetree 'smith's know better I guess HaHa 2 likes
vikingtodd119 You guys provided the same type of high level care to me also. You guys are a class act.
thealmightyholland So you are saying LaRures cans on all LaRure rifles?
canadian.nate That's the vibe I got watching someone review the Noveske Recon. Don't fuck with it. Just shoot and clean it. 1 like
bradbuildshomes Phenomenal 👏
tom_untamed2.0 That's like giving a third world taxi driver a brand new Rolls and him trying to do the first service himself...
tree.sloth What buffer weight/spring should be run with a 556 match grade upper non-suppressed?
alan.dillon.gb The betterized it
dune_shoot So we can send in rifles for chamber cleaning, nice! 😂 1 like
derekmicheal10 Wow. It's almost like you all know what you're doing when it comes to building rifles! 😂 1 like
lane_dutch @laruetactical I have one of your match grade uppers coupled with one of your billet lowers and a MBT trigger. What buffer/spring setup would you recommend? I have found it works fine with an H3 buffer and standard recoil spring but if it could work better I wouldn't mind switching it.
  -  fanorwood @lane_dutch Springco, probably a white, and a standard H buffer will work perfectly. (Probably until you wear the barrel smooth...)
  -  lane_dutch @fanorwood Thanks for the recommendation. I'll give it a go
realwarthog71 Great for the technical part if the owners manual
dale.patterson.94 Does nobody use HOPPE'S No. 9, anymore??
kcgunner Hahaha