... L/E attendees at the ShotShow thought of a great angle on our Siete. Buy a Siete with both barrels being chambered for 308 and the city's descendants would be ordering replacement barrels for their L/E Department's LaRue Sniper Rifles decades from now. It's a very cost effective idea, not to mention the best bolt action for it 😎 ML
236 likessuperiorpew Selling guns to cops who will use said guns to confiscate more guns. 1 like
  -  grouse_brit @superiorpew not likely
  -  laruetactical @superiorpew ... Uh, this thread is about bolt actions 🧐 1 like
topshotdustin Verified 👏
stillten8 The two barrel longevity is a no brainer for any agency 😎 2 likes
icecoldmn I check your site daily for a 17" 308 siete barrel, no dice so far 1 like
radiac_svcs You should offer it with a 16" and 20" 308 combo. I'm too much in love with my OBR to go 6.5. 2 likes
curtis.neville 308 , how about millenniums 😂
drbowman If she doesn't want it, I'll take it off her hands😂