... Why so many 14.5" 7.62 PredatOBRs ? Seems like I've been shootin' them for days 😎 ML
406 likesmylocalgunshop What is the most common barrel length sold w/ the 7.62 predator OBRs?
  -  laruetactical @mylocalgunshop ... 18" 1 like
el_jefe_556 I could not help but notice that UU kits are no longer an option on the website. I'm hoping you getting ready to reopen orders so I can top off my Christmas ordered lower combos...already have an MGU and need a big block!
depredadorsolutions Rack o fun!
thirtythree_three Because people don't understand the barrel length/velocity correlation and/or never shoot beyond about 600 yards. 2 likes
  -  grapangell0 @thirtythree_three yes, I'm still building a 12.5 308 and you cant stop me
  -  drickvalsky @thirtythree_three There is plenty of use case for a shorter 308. Just because something doesn't make sense to you or seem practical to you doesn't mean it's wrong. Just means it's different. 4 likes
  -  laruetactical ... So there 😎 2 likes
  -  thirtythree_three @drickvalsky You said that like it's something that contradicts what I said. Your reading comprehension must not be up to snuff. I clearly made the allowance for shooting below 600 yards, did I not? If you want to take a shot within 200 yards...by all means go with a 14.5....even shorter if you must. I load my 7.62's hot and in a 16", it's limping by 800 yards and is subsonic before 900. So, estimating 600 yards is a safe distance for supersonic flight for a 14.5". Again, try reading the comment and understanding it before exposing yourself.
  -  thirtythree_three @windsoc_1911 I'd like to see the actual Chronograph results showing 2500 FPS with a 175. I use 175 SMKs loading compressed loads (which requires an Slash Xtra Heavy buffer and orange Sprinco spring to operate properly) again out of a 16", and I'm getting 2475. I'm not saying it can't be done, but consider me......highly skeptical of 2500. And, being a federal agency I would assume (though I wouldn't bet money on it) that you're shooting 175 SMKs? If so, you're going to have to be at some pretty elevated altitude to be supersonic at 1,000. The SMK holds through the transonic range MUCH better than other bullets (I.e Scenars), so I don't doubt that hits are happening (because I get reliable hits at 1,000, albeit subsonic ones), but the data at my elevation says your bullets are well into subsonic by 950 yards (even granting a - largely unbelievable- 2500 FPS from a 14.5" gas gun). I'd really like to know which powder y'all are using....if you know, please let me know.
  -  laruetactical @thirtythree_three ... When she was 14 and a half, my youngest daughter heartshot a bull elk at 652 yards with a 14.5" 7.62 ... Todd Hodnett showed her how to run a Kestrel the night before, so there's that 🤷 1 like
  -  windsoc_1911 @thirtythree_three I was shocked as well. I run a 7.62 Springfield Saint vector as an everyday truck gun running the same 118LR getting 2505 5 shot average off lab radar... 16" barrel.. our work guns across the board lab radar and building dope off of 14.5 larue OBR averaging 2520-2550. Makes no mathematical sense on why these 14.5's are faster but they are.. data was collected at around 450-475 elevation.
  -  drickvalsky @thirtythree_three my reading comprehension is just fine. Your post came off a little feather than thou as if others knew nothing. Looks like everyone else set you straight so I don't need to. Good day.
  -  thirtythree_three @drickvalsky lol. Literally (and not figuratively) nothing you just said was accurate (and/or comprehendible "feather than thou"?). It's obvious you don't grasp the particulars of the velocity ranges and corresponding energy levels of bullets (I.e. the "V" in the formula for energy is squared, not the "m"). The FACT remains...no matter the bullet/powder/cartridge, that, ceteris paribus, a longer barrel (within reason) will lead to increased velocities which means greater supersonic ranges and better external ballistics (I.e "bucking wind"). This is true at 1 yard as much as it is at 1500, though you won't be able to perceive it until about 200 yards out. At that point, your slower MVs will begin to show worse overall performance. This is physics....not really up for debate, but you can be blissfully ignorant if you want to be.
  -  drickvalsky @thirtythree_three are we still talking about this? Lol. Don't let it eat you man.