... Boomer PSA - I discovered a case of chili I bought at Costco's was dreadfully mislabeled as "chili". I only struggled with the situation a few moments before remembering I had a can of red kidney beans at the ready. I drained the kidney beans and added them to the mislabeled chili, instantly bringing it up-to-spec. Bon appetit ! ML
497 likesblck10th Chili with no beans shouldn't even be sold 3 likes
_lucasreed Nicee
0331honeybadger Boooo🔥
toadroaster Wait wut.
press_hard_5_copies Chili without beans is just soup.
natewhosoever No kidneys were hurt during this filming
thedogeoftheyear Texas chili doesn't have beans, Mark
catahoula_six Do you like to put sugar in your cornbread too? 1 like
pylot2b Seriously you can't make chili? You make a good upper. Ain't rocket science! Beans are definitely key! Like a free smoke grenade with the post meal gas issues! Ultimate room clearing potential!
mannymedico Boomer PSA indeed.
realmda13 I suppose being a master machinist doesn't leave a lot of time for cooking...
Little cheddar and sour cream on top makes canned chili an easy quick meal. 1 like
weargle You think this is a hot take haven't heard of Skyline.
  -  blkm4gk @weargle I have a client in Ohio that took us out for Skyline once. I ain't gonna lie, it was good, but I sure as shit'll never say it at any of the cook offs I go to.
clay_holberg Oh man - talk about driving interactions. I've never understood the no beans thing- It's like a rule to make chili less good. Also not a fan of soupy chili. Even the Texas chili parlor bar offers a chili with beans. 1 like
  -  458_socalm @clay_jeffrey exactly! Chili should have beans (I use 4 types of beans in mine and 5 type of peppers) and be thick enough to eat with a fork, and hot enough to make ya sweat a little
kodiak_precision Good thinking!! Persevere!!! Especially when it's chow!! Stay well my friend!!
mikenotgonnagetit Not gonna lie. I love beans as it is a s I love beans in my Chili and dont give a damn what anyone thinks!
def3va Next it will be 9mm > .45 5 likes
  -  laruetactical @def3va ... You can drop 2 boxes of 20s in a huntin' coat pocket, instead of just 1 box of 12s. Just sayin' ... 3 likes
2ndvette Look he made it just like Wendy's chili. Texas Chili doesn't have beans, yankee chili does have beans. 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @2ndvette ... What if the pot is straddling the Mason/Dixon line ? 🤷 1 like
arnetchris Texas chili has no beans!
arnetchris Texas chili has no beans! 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @arnetchris ... Yes it does, that's how we air our tires up 💪 5 likes
zacoutside Howdy @laruetactical is there anyone I can speak to about my order? Trying to call and email for the past few days but am not able to reach anyone. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
  -  laruetactical @zacdoov ... Are you the "Dammit, I said no onions!!" guy ? 5 likes
  -  zacoutside @laruetactical no sir I'm a fan
redoak.sooner 😂 Chili without beans is just beef stew.
frontsightpress Any idea when my friends order will ship? It's order # 796102
I don't mean to bug but I told him I would ask.
bourbon_bastard Why is a guy from Texas buying his chili at Costco? Won't they hang you for that in Texas? If you are starving to death I can help 😃
jflynn_7.62 Because chili without beans ain't chili at all!!! 💯 1 like
j._gunz Nice. A good old fashioned beans/no beans thread. 😎 6 likes
  -  gearhead1940 @j._gunz afcommers heads gonna explode. Lmao! 4 likes
  -  southernsaxon @gearhead1940 those still a thing over there? 1 like
  -  gearhead1940 @southernsaxon sadly yes. But it is entertaining. 2 likes
  -  southernsaxon @gearhead1940 I guess I shouldn't be surprised that nothing has changed. 2 likes
  -  j._gunz @southernsaxon, getting worse by the day. I rarely surf there, haven't been a paying member for years. Mostly just use the EE.
txnorseman Going to sell off my OBR after this utter betrayal.😥 5 likes
  -  blkm4gk @txnorseman sitting here about to order a URG and then I see this betrayal. Dunno if I can bring myself to do it
riley9x19 Chili without beans is just Tex-Mex spaghetti sauce 2 likes
blue_collar_gun_guy As per my Great Grandfather, real Texas chili does NOT have beans. That being said he did enjoy beans in his chili, but it wasn't "Texas Chili". 2 likes
ungluck But Texas chili has no beans🤔 11 likes
davacorr I always throw a can of ranch style beans, can of black beans and copious amounts of cavenders seasoning in my chili. Shit's like rocket fuel. I'm sure it could even save canned chili too!
civilianresponder That chili is pretty weak, definitely needs some beans.
alpha_phil15 That's right...because beans do belong in chili.
017jason OMG, arc I'm just collectively imploded! 🤣
  -  017jason @017jason not arc-ARFCOM! 😆
connelldad Does this mean a LRT 1911 is in our future? #45isbetterthan9MM 1 like
cactusandcolt Improvise, adapt, overcome!
jfpvh OK Mark I got to bust on you. chili does not have beans in it and especially Texas chili and no one eats chili from a can. You should do a video of shooting a can of chili at 1000 yards with a OBR in 308 🤣 usus☕☕ 1 like
jabon_clamshell 'IF YOU KNOW BEANS ABOUT CHILI YOU KNOW CHILI AIN'T GOT NO BEANS' - some delusional fool who doesn't enjoy getting fiber in their diet 1 like
him72984 Brilliance knows no bounds.