... @topshotdustin ... She's ready to roll ... save a tree to tie it to, so we can drag the trailer out from in under it 😎 ML
611 likeswjoecunningham Might ought to have built that on site
  -  laruetactical @wjoecunningham ... "I see miles and miles of Texas ..." 4 likes
jeth.ro1974 I'd like to have plans for that build 🔥🔥 1 like
  -  laruetactical @jeth.ro1974 ... Can do easy G.I. 😎 2 likes
guns2317 Give it six weeks then stain it. Had a pressure treated fence installed in 2021 , was told it had to be stained or sealed after 6 weeks to insure long life of the wood, that todays pressure treated wood does not have same durability. 5 likes
  -  laruetactical @guns2317 ... Pro-tip 💪 1 like
josh_goes_pewpew I need plans for this.
icecoldmn Where is the seating? Is that phase 2
  -  laruetactical @icecoldmn ... That's a cinder block turned on end or a pine log cut just the right length and stood on end 4 likes
burninatingthecountryside I'd like these building plans if you'll share them.
curtis_carp Have shootin bench will travel 😂
usingmyrights I really need to make a good bench.
davacorr Good idea with the skids!
texasplinking Damn that's sweet 1 like
thechestcracker That's fucking awesome can you share the plans or link where you got the specs
topshotdustin Verified Saweeet! 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @topshotdustin ... Text me an address to take it to ... that has a stout tree 😎 3 likes
dave.engle.10 Sell it as a package. No tree needed.
markkphillips #forklift
cowboyjanke @laruetactical where can I find plans to this fine piece of equipment?
rugerman45 😢
hobbit0717 Wow, when you work In wood you don't mess around either!
andrew_mwilliams 300lb +
domou.zhao2022 great