... To thwart those east Texas wasps from building wasp nests under it ... threw a handful of mothballs in and plywooded over the whole bottom 😎 ML
271 likesbishopk25 Stout
alan.dillon.gb Oklahoma wasps too...
topshotdustin Verified Oh now that's genius. 2 likes
hadaway18 Spray the whole thing down with DemonMax insecticide from your local co-op a couple times a year and thank me later. Especially those cracks and crevasses under that metal roof 1 like
fireman4180 Smart man!
ischade48 Learned about that the hard way once. A lesson you don't forget.
phr40 Paint the underside Sky blue to keep them from nesting 1 like
kernsy71 Great idea! First thing I thought about was wasp.