... "Picked one up from the booth at Tulsa Gun Show today. Actually reeeeeally fast sight acquisition. Like stupid fast. I hate the fact but I'm going to actually like it." ............. And I got this text from Ethan up there in our Tulsa Gun Show booth ... "The top reasons people have bought it:
Put it on 'truck gun' because it can't get scratched, broke or lose zero. Throw it around and never worry.
Keep everything 'shootable' that you own.
People with weaker eyesight can see that fatter front sight way easier than a red dot
Quicker target acquisition for home defense." ......................................... To all you open-minded cats in Tulsa, thanks for the feedback and thanks for buying up all the C-Notes and MBTs we brought to the show 😎 ML
423 likesthechestcracker Damn that siete lower being completely machined was truly the best thing I've seen in modern bolt gun advancement along with the ability to barrel swap I'm calling this week to get on list. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @thechestcracker ... I was told gunsmith's were scratching their heads at how well we inletted the action into the aluminum chassis. 1 like
  -  thechestcracker @laruetactical they let me hold it . It felt like an extension of my body. It was slightly heavy but in all the right places . I think y'all got a home run with that one 1 like
  -  thechestcracker @thechestcracker I liked the most of the weight was middle centered not barrel centered . Felt great perfect for a bipod or a bag or a whatever 1 like
zdaltontn's profile picture *cough.... Tritium 🤠 4 likes
  -  guns2317 @zdaltontn or even fiber optic 1 like
  -  cam_tenn @zdaltontn definitely NOT tritium, fiber is the way
  -  zdaltontn @cam_tenn not in the dark
  -  cam_tenn @zdaltontn You need white light to shoot in the dark, to ID targets. Quality lights with any kind of lumens drown out the tritium glow making them essentially large blacked out sights. Tritium is only useful when you're in the dark and your target is illuminated buy some other light. Other than that, fiber is the way to go in all aspects 1 like
  -  zdaltontn @cam_tenn here we go again... I have my reasons. 1 like
  -  cam_tenn @zdaltontn Lol sure you do
  -  zdaltontn @cam_tenn keep larping looks like you're having fun.
  -  cam_tenn @zdaltontn larping?😂 you know nothing about low light and you also know nothing about larping
  -  zdaltontn @cam_tenn You don't know what I KNOW about or what my credentials are.. won't take the time or have the interest to inquire either. Men don't behave that way, boys do.. ✌
  -  laruetactical @zdaltontn ... So then, you're a psychiatrist ?
  -  zdaltontn @laruetactical I grew up beside one. He beat his wife and was an alcoholic. Her screams dampened my desire to become whatever her husband was.
  -  laruetactical @zdalton ... Yet you are quick to think only you are right and anyone else is less smart than you presume you are 🤷
  -  zdaltontn @laruetactical Ive never said that. I stated that I have a specific need for tritium and am being told that whatever that specific need is is invalid. How many people have been told a product can't be better and went on to produce it themselves? Is there a reason Laure mounts are considered the best? Did it start with an idea? Did people ever tell you that your were arrogant for wanting to produce something superior to what was available at that time?
  -  zdaltontn @laruetactical *Larue
  -  cam_tenn @zdaltontn you know nothing
seurwai I didn't even know there was a larue booth at Tulsa gun show. I'm here right now 1 like
  -  laruetactical @seurwai ... Next to ATF booth ... our booth is # S-53 7 likes
reddirtrifleman Do y'all always have a booth at Wanenmacher? Not sure how I've missed you over the years.
  -  laruetactical @reddirtrifleman ... This was our first time.
beldavius Seems like this might be the perfect solution to put on a 45 degree offset mount for when shooting around tight cover or in close where the offset of a dot can really screw you!
joeyingle1 Was glad to see it in person. There is a misconception for what it's made for. After seeing it, it's great for what it is. The guys running the booth were awesome and did an outstanding job. They weren't heckling the ATF guys though. Glad to get to handle the siete as well. 1 like
curtis_carp Dag nabit. I've been saving my money up for a nice 🔴 and something to put it on. Now this temptation is just something I don't need. One fact though. If it say Larue it's quality! 1 like
andrew__gunfightergrips I was at Tulsa today and didn't see any of them.
  -  laruetactical @andrew__gunfightergrips ... My guys told me it's a big show 😎
tarnished_gungnir I saw it in hand and tried it yesterday. Guy I talked to running the booth was a great rep for your company, said he's originally from Tulsa. Posting to say I hope you continue to do the Tulsa shows and bring a bunch of products in the future for sale. Mounts, etc. 1 like
thequietpartoutloud I tried to stop by the booth in Tulsa, but it's right next to the ATF and couldn't stand the smell😢 6 likes
  -  laruetactical @thequietpartoutloud ... Ha, get a grip. They are handing out tastes of local Oklahoma moonshine, fine cigars, and surplus WW2 ammo found in a cave. 4 likes
johnsmith6073 Waiting on version 2 with a hole milled out so I can use it as a grab handle.
  -  redoak.sooner @johnsmith6073 I was actually thinking about that on the way home. Why not make a carry handle that has iron sights like this in the channel?
kcgunner Glad ya'll had a great show!!
szxbt gonna need to buy one soon 1 like
weaponized_cat @brassfacts2 Waiting for the review on this
  -  brassfacts2 @weaponized_cat go bug hop. That's more up his alley 1 like
  -  weaponized_cat @brassfacts2 Aren't you the same person?
  -  brassfacts2 @weaponized_cat yes, but he's me at night. different ego. 2 likes
  -  weaponized_cat The Duality of Guntuber.
gospencer1 7.3 oz, I sent Mark a photo if he wants to post it. @laruetactical
ar15com 😎 1 like
phil.wiesner Aim surplus is my LGS
flyby1971 If you need to ask... 150