... On a lighter side, while out west this past week at that invite-only military live-fire shoot, I got to shoot some way cool lightweight ammo made by TrueVelocity in north Texas. It's molded around a precision made steel (?) base insert out of some sort of high-grade engineering plastic (and as one would expect, for proprietary reasons, they didn't get into specifics). I was able to shoot and witnessed others shooting lots of 3/4 moa groups with it in my MRGG-S that we had a MagnetoSpeed strap-on chronograph attached. They had the demo ammo loaded with 140 grain Bergers. We saw a 5-round SD of 10 numerous times👀 You're saying "Why?". The "why" is so helicopters can take off with a lot more ammo on board💪. And that was quite evident when you picked up a box of military 6.5 Creedmoor 140 gr. ammo in one hand and a box of TrueVelocity's 6.5CM in the other hand. It's dramatic👀 Anyhow, I be wantin' me a case of it 😎 ML
1,699 likestacteamdonut I remember when they tried this a few times years ago. The trouble they always run into is the chamber temps. Hopefully with new polys and plastics they can work that out. Or bring back the case less HK ammo.
unslicedmatt I would think plastic cases would only work in open bolt guns so the case doesn't melt unless it's a high temp thermoset plastic. Which I'm assuming it is. Also a plastic case would insulate the not carry heat away like brass does but also reduce the risk of a cook off.
almostprecision Got some samples of their stuff a little while back, we ran it through a ringer and I gotta say, they make great poly case ammo 1 like
jovanone 🙌🙌👏👏🔥🔥🔥🧡🧡
jacksanders7734 What ammo would u guys recommend for 6.5 grendal
  -  laruetactical @jacksanders7734 ... Any that Academy has in stock 🤷 2 likes
toolndie7 @laruetactical this is actually nothing new. They have been playing around with this for over 50 years. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @toolndie7 ... Yeah, and I personally and likely have shot over 50,000 RXP 2 3/4" 12 gauge shells. But no 60,000 psi rifle ammo. 2 likes
  -  foxtrot_seven @toolndie7 to be fair, it took about 70 for the lightbulb to reach it's conventional design
plumbworker @tyzick2
  -  tyzick2 @plumbworker spicy ammo
verne.patterson @laruetactical big army and Marines have been experimenting with this recently but are having issues in extreme temperatures both hot and cold.
  -  laruetactical @verne.patterson ... And breaking the sound barrier wasn't a slam dunk.
  -  verne.patterson @laruetactical true. I wasn't saying settle for status quo I just thought it was interesting.
drfrenchjr They are on IG @truevelicityinc & plan to sell direct to consumers.
billsnearly Did someone take that bullet to a 40 grit belt? 😳
  -  laruetactical @billsnearly ... LOL, I cleaned it up in my kitchen sink, using one of those green Skotch-Brite pan scrubbers. 1 like
riley__patterson Is this gonna come out in .308/7.62 for the public?
dsarch56 Sounds 😎 cool!
yumyum11884 As a helo door gunner I have been pleading with our USAF test guys to "look" into now. Same with a 338 mini gun. Weight is a massive concern with rotary aircraft. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @yumyum11884 ... Wait, flight instructors would call this a discrepancy in the cockpit. 🛩 2 likes
46wlf46 I love this technology.
Load a standard capacity G17 mag with whatever ammo you want. Then load a second one with aluminum bullets the difference is staggering.
Ounces=pain the less ounces the more pain anything can carry.
sparrowhawk_armory I guess it can't be reloaded.
cruza0874 I'm still waiting for the high speed polymer cased ammo I saw demonstrated a while back. Guess the ammo industry decided it was easier to justify raising prices on the brass ammo and killed the polymer project.
  -  laruetactical @cruza0874 ... If they raised prices, it would likely be tied to the cost of raw materials such as lead & copper has gone up.
  -  cruza0874 @laruetactical Right supply and demand, I get it. But we are seeing a buck a round on average for most common calibers. Not just the good quality ammo either. Cheap import ammo is getting ridiculously priced. I don't mind paying for quality. But I think the manufacturers are controlling the market more than people may realize. Just my two cents. Thank you for the response ML.
  -  laruetactical @cruza0874 ... Manufacturers aren't jacking with pricing, it's the "street price" that some retailers are taking advantage, and that's cause Fudds are waiting like vultures at Academy's front door on the day it's ammo drop arrives. Then they run to local gun shows and sell it for double. 1 like
  -  cruza0874 @laruetactical yes that is a major contribution to the problem. The hoarders and the opportunists that are making the shortages worse. I try to reload as much of my own as possible, but even components are being hoarded.
guess_70 I wonder if they have tested any magnums like 6.5PRC or 300 mag? Not sure if there would be a difference with more pressure? I love this idea for hunting ammo. Ounces are pounds when you have to pack it
mr.mercury24 This can chamber in a normal rifle? I heard it was a proprietary chamber design. 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @mr.mercury24 ... My 6.5CM chamber is made from normal chambering reamers and it goes in and shoots 3/4" groups off the bench at a 100 yards. 6 likes
  -  joe.numbers @mr.mercury24 there are some specific rounds they are making that are proprietary for some new 6.8 guns that aren't the current 6.8SPC but they're also chambering in standard calibers from what I understand 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @joe.numbers ... Meh, sounds like a toolmaker will be tweaking some tooling 🤷 3 likes
  -  joe.numbers @laruetactical lol yep
  -  mr.mercury24 @joe.numbers thanks 1 like
pagan_horse_jku Pretty cool 1 like
das_llama04 How long before us plebians see these hit the shelves? 2 likes
  -  kevinmichael_67 @das_llama04 https://www.tvammo.com/
randymonighetti Pretty cool concept, but I'll stick to my brass, Berger's, and powder of choice! 2 likes
  -  zachary_stein @randymonighetti well yeah it wasn't made for you. 8 likes
  -  laruetactical @zachary_stein ... And he backs up to the shootin' pavilion and says "open trunk" to his SUV 😂 8 likes
  -  randymonighetti @zachary_stein Never said I'm opposed to it, like I said, it's a pretty cool concept, I just don't jump on a band wagon right away every time something new comes out. 20 years of reloading, i've always adapted to new components, this doesn't seem like a component that will be able to be reloaded. We'll see what the future holds though.
  -  randymonighetti @laruetactical 😂 I'll try saying "open tailgate" when I get to the range today. I don't think my truck came with the yuppie package though. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @randymonighetti ... So you admit you "jump on new components"🧐 2 likes
  -  randymonighetti @laruetactical Once new components are proven, absolutely! Does anyone know if these cases will be reloadable? Sure doesn't seem like they will be. Like I said we'll see what the future holds.
  -  randymonighetti @laruetactical Kind of like when the MBT-1S came out, I didn't run down and grab one, but eventually every one of my builds ended up with that trigger in it!
  -  metz.111 @randymonighetti dang you sure are cool and smart 1 like
  -  randymonighetti @metz.111 Funny how I never said any negative shit about this ammo, yet the keyboard warriors have to talk shit! I said it was a cool concept, but I'd stay with what works for now. You don't like my opinion, tough shit! 3 likes
  -  metz.111 @randymonighetti nobody asked you to talk about yourself sir 1 like
  -  laruetactical @metz.111 ... These kind of threads always cause a handful to surface 🤷 1 like
  -  randymonighetti @laruetactical 👍🏼 Last time I'll comment on y'all's page. This was never about me. I've said multiple times that it's a cool concept, and lets see what the future brings with it. Simply shared an opinion like many others. What amazes me most is that 2A folks are too busy tearing each other apart over opinions rather than agreeing to disagree and trying to build the 2A community. Especially when it's a company doing it to a customer. 1 like
thecodystone Outfookinstanding!!! 1 like
zsl830 That's too cool! 1 like
sandy__mitchell Wow thats amazing! I wonder can they be reloaded? I'm sure that's not what their meant for since their direction is less weight in military situations. 🤔 2 likes
ghostmarmot This is the ammo that will be used against you when the government comes to take your rights. 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @ghostmarmot ... LOL, they'll just turn off the electricity. 7 likes
jspryce I remember reading about this a few years ago when they were coming online. The weight savings if you're humping gear and ammo over remote mountaintops would be much appreciated. 😉 3 likes
blaw1977 At this point in the game, I would buy ammo made of dog poo if it was affordable and available. Also, I would hate to be guy shot with dog poo. That would suck. 15 likes
  -  texan.right @blaw1977 Better than being shot with lead 🤷 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @texan.right ... Bergers have a lead core 4 likes
  -  texan.right @laruetactical I was more referring to his comment about how he would hate to be the guy shot with Dog poo. Great concept though I'm hoping to get some of this too when they come out. You never know when you'll need to shed some weight & the groups are a huge plus! 1 like
  -  fdmarshal @blaw1977 shitty way to die lol 1 like
lineman7750 Why do you think they had such good SDs? Think the cases are that much more uniform? Can you reload the cases? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @lineman7750 ... Dunno, launching projectiles with an explosion is rocket science and I ain't r one. 🤷 8 likes
  -  texan.right @lineman7750 I just checked the website... They state that it cannot be reloaded with commercially available reloading equipment 1 like
bradva Oh the horror! Half the "I won't shoot shoot steel case ammo"tactiterds won't want it anyhow because of the steel rim. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @bradva ... It had a metal-ish rim 🤷 2 likes
  -  bradva @laruetactical still pretty cool.
wmelbgator @laruetactical how is the MRGG-S coming along? I have one of your naked lowers waiting for that upper once they become available..... 🙏 2 likes
texannebraskan @laruetactical I have been tagging these guys everyone they post ammo to see when it will be available for sale at retailers in TX. The factory is less than 10 minutes from my office 1 like
  -  texan.right @texannebraskan So this is actually made in Garland?
  -  mdrnmtnmn @texan.right yes, really amazing factory and heavy ex-military presence in the company. QA/QC is solid. 1 like
  -  texan.right @miguel_le_mare Very cool that's only 6 miles from my house. Maybe they'll offer tours at some point. I checked out their website and they make a pretty good case. No pun intended 1 like
  -  texannebraskan @texan.right I just hope they make it available to retailers in the area.
  -  texan.right @texannebraskan it says on their website they'll be offering direct sales to customers online. Hopefully one can stop by and pick it up instead of paying hazmat
  -  laruetactical @texan.right ... That's more cost to them having someone on payroll, on the company's health insurance, with an HR person doing their paperwork, just to have that someone standing by to convenience the locals. 1 like
  -  texan.right @laruetactical Very true, but hell I'd go volunteer for a few hours on the weekend to handle the pickups just to get a chance to see this enterprise work! I get it though in the grand scheme of things whats $20
catsncartridges Should be helpful w ammo prices as copper prices increase due to the push to making everything electric. 6 likes
  -  laruetactical @catsncartridges ... You just made a good point 👀 5 likes
  -  texan.right @catsncartridges If it can't be reloaded and Dems get their way about background checks for Ammo I'm sure the Dems will be pushing this as the next latest and greatest technology with gun restrictions to use it or steel 1 like
  -  nmcg2018 @texan.right knowing what I know about the company...they won't let that happen. 1 like
def3va IIRC from Modern Day Marine several years ago, Nammo (Lapua) was pioneering these rounds in larger calibers (think 50BMG and up) with the aviation community in mind and for the reasons Mark stated. Natural to think the concept would transition to smaller calibers as ounces = pounds and pounds = pain. 3 likes