Sent these two shots to my man Chad at BallistX and he gave me the hypotenuse from center ... top one is 0.3808 ... the 2nd one is 0.3623, the average is 0.3715 ... heh heh heh, less than 3/8" from the middle (0.375"). Sell a couple of your budget POS and get something that'll likely hit a quarter at 100 yards first shot. Affordable Overkill (™) is real. ML
552 likeschristiantomyn 🔥👌
jtaylor @laruetactical when can we expect these (™)'s to make their way onto Dillo's, Bumper Stickers, or a 365 day calendar of ML quotes 👌 1 like
randylavoie1992 I'd love to get one, would you recommend one of your ar-10 or ar-15 uppers? 1 like
gunmaniausa You're really making it hard to say no.
cts304 You build some awesome rifles
erikcptx Good plan!
grommettaz Quarter, please put a Nickle out there...sub .75moa every time I check my groups 2 likes
connelldad Ship out my 7.62UU and I'll send ya a red sticker with a hole in it ASAP. 😎
markavaldes Hook me up with a free assembly discount for a broke student so I can afford the ultimate upper 😆
  -  laruetactical @markavaldes ... You're a student, Assemble it yourself. 6 likes
  -  markavaldes @laruetactical I'll try my best 🙌
johnnywayne3 Calling me out
  -  laruetactical @johnnywayne3 ... You'll have to land that jet if you wanna shoot.
sirhectorpistolero Any 16" predatAR UUK's rolling out? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @sirhectorpistolero ... Yep 2 likes
christrusler Mark, any kind of eta on 22" 6.5 CM. UU kits? Have one on ordered since sept
65fetzer So whats your actual group. 🤔 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @65fetzer ... You're looking at it. 2 likes
  -  65fetzer @laruetactical I only see one shot per pasty 1 like
  -  laruetactical @65fetzer ... You're having too much trouble overthinking this ... 1 like
  -  65fetzer @laruetactical shoot 3 then measure and post
  -  laruetactical @65fetzer ... Good idea for you to do. Get one of your gas guns, pull the scope off, go out early tomorrow, put the scope on, take one shot at the 1" red dot. Rinse repeat the next day and the day after that ... with a 6.5 CM gas gun using a Leupold 2.5-8
  -  65fetzer @laruetactical oh well dude you gotta clarify that. I thought you were showing accuracy not that it stayed zeroed. Ya my gas gun would be all over the place, bolt gun zero never changes but when you got the $$$ stuffed into a bolt gun that bitch better stay true 😄
  -  laruetactical @65fetzer ... Talk is cheap. Show us with anything you got. Put the scope on each morning and take one shot at a 1" red dot with an 8x scope for 3 days in a row. 1 like
  -  65fetzer @laruetactical you want me to use my bolt gun? What distance, 100 yards would be cheating
  -  laruetactical @65fetzer ... I somehow knew this was going to need more clarifications 1 like
  -  laruetactical @65fetzer ... Oh yeah, and you need to have made the whole rifle, barrel, action, trigger, scope mount, et al. 1 like
  -  65fetzer @laruetactical ok ill order up a cnc and get them all cranked out. Does torquing my prefit count? 😂
matt__schulz The mf single shot grouping with a cold barrel 😂
  -  laruetactical @matt__schulz ... See, I didn't serve, so I have no idea how real long gunners actually do their job. But I assume they don't get to shoot a couple burners after dragging their scope out of it's waterproof container and slap it on their rifle. It's nice to see you're within a 1/2 moa 3 times in a row. 🤷
akmultigun_ben I don't get what you're trying to say? That your cold bore shot is predictable or that the average cold bore shift is within 3/8" at 100yd?
  -  laruetactical @akmultigun_ben ... I'm not saying anything, I'm doing it. You can too. Pull scope off your rifle, put it in a case to marinate overnight, drag it out next day, slap the scope on it, and hit a 1" diameter red dot at 100 yards. I'm doing it with a 2.5-8 Leupold MRT set at 8X.
cole8605 I just ordered a predatAR 18" to replace a $58 BCA barrel, but I'm not selling shit right now haha.
guess_70 @laruetactical I think you need to explain your post better. You didn't say anything about removing a scope to go with these pictures then your getting sparky with people after they read your post and see a picture of 1 shot groups??