... Gotta share this one ... 😂😂😂 my sides are hurting 😎 ML
998 likesoffroad_scott Guess they've never heard about "Raise Your Hand" marketing. You are starting conversations. Don't need tons of "marketing" staff for that. 5 likes
  -  laruetactical @offroad_scott ... Ha! There's a word for my "style" ? I'm making this crap up as I go along ... while holding tenth tolerances all across the facility 😎 16 likes
  -  thecodystone @laruetactical it's boomer fudd style. That's the word / word's you're looking for 1 like
  -  laruetactical @thecodystone .. . Well, I am the self-proclaimed "King of the Boomers", so there's that 😎 4 likes
  -  offroad_scott @laruetactical You understand your customer base. We've seen others get that incredibly wrong recently.
  -  laruetactical @offroad_scott ... I am my customer base. Some shit needs shot ... not shot at. 😎 3 likes
keyspeed09 One of my favorite to follow because he's real. Real dogs, real hunts, real airplanes, can't hold he drives a gmc against him😂 and real fine guns. Thanks Mark for not forgetting your audience. Well done sir 2 likes
spentbrasscasing The great rifles are just lagniappe to the whole package! 1 like
  -  lkcrome @spentbrasscasing I'll admit it, I had to look it up... 2 likes
crazyornothing Obviously you aren't here to try and socialize and impress people like a high school popularity test and for precision nuts like myself who are shooting tactical benchrest, I really appreciate the focus on accuracy/precision. I would keep the trolls on your comments though as the weebs in the Facebook groups like to share screen shots of you blocking them so if they got shit to talk, let your loyal fanbase drag them instead of giving them the delight of getting blocked since they can't really talk shit about your products it's all a personality issue they have. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @crazyornothing ... They come for the ban-hammer and I oblige them. It's the equivalent of policing up cigarette butts laying around on my IG posts. 🤷 1 like
daltonlouismcswain His biggest mistake is questioning a man that can consistently outshoot him 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @daltonlouismcswain ... Aw shucks, yuckyuckyuck ... I stay current by default 🤷 2 likes
  -  daltonlouismcswain @laruetactical looking forward to buying some more product from ya Mark. Thanx
hoff______ 😂 I'm just unsure if he is trying to complement or throw shade?🤷 2 likes
carsincvw It's funny, but his mistake is assuming you had a marketing team, as long as I can remember it's been you posting on arfcom and now here. 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @carsincvw ... "Mark"eting 😎 28 likes
  -  rob_stitzer @laruetactical 😂😂
stevenmcclay6921 Do you still have the brisket trailer? I've eaten there twice. Range Day 2011 and Addison Airport - Rick Perry's shindig. Post pics of taco trailer...that will add some spice to your marketing! 1 like
  -  laruetactical @stevenmcclay6921 ... Yeppers
mraglan The bulk Metamucil doesn't taste as good.
modest_omega This is very accurate and we dig it
lumberjacked_coder He's both right and wrong.
liketheroom "I love CNC machines. Have a few. Wrote a song about it, goes something like this."
"Navion, oh Navion. My life is better with a Navion. I can shoot straight and I have tight tolerances but oh how I love to fly my Navion."
"Divorce. ‘Nuff said."
frisco_rps13 Is there supposed to be something wrong with that observation? Sounds pretty good to me
jlmick27 He's not wrong! Lol
kertmckeone Sounds like something ex NBA player Bill Walton would say.
aka_gloctor It's that good!
tcfawley Bwahahahahahahahahah...nailed it.
hudson_hall_ He ain't wrong 😂
ryanhoegner That's gold. 😂
hobbit0717 I see nothing wrong with any of it, it's simple and to the point. I like seeing your dags, I have dags also.
drink2drive That guy left out the part about how good boiled eggs are after a dip in the ole hot tub 😎
perez2021juan this is awesome lol
that_gent_johan Hahaha i thought it was pretty obvious you don't have a marketing team
  -  laruetactical @that_gent_johan ... Says the guy picking his nose in his splash photo 😎 1 like
  -  that_gent_johan @laruetactical hey man i am deep in thought about what to offload or how to get more hours paid to snag one of these. Unless you're going to be so kindhearted as to donate one to a man behind enemy lines you just let me mine for gold ok? 😂
dash_and_dugdug Ummmmm I don't recollect seeing your grill, let alone knowing is propane??? Maybe it's a Traeger 😂
mrtonypic Funny stuff for sure.
jkline167 😂
roadapplesforge 😎😎😎
raville8 Only so many times can we see you shoot a 5 shot ragged hole. Let's see the BBQ!
torchedmegacab 🔥🔥🔥🔥
bill9mill Man shit