... Prove me wrong 😎
522 likestheflyinghouse My dad said his never behaved poorly for him, but he got an offer to send it in and have it "fixed" so he did.
  -  laruetactical @theflyinghouse ... And a Remington. bankruptcy ensued 😳 2 likes
spentbrasscasing I historically used REM 700 triggers for years. Then one morning at 0500 I chambered a round and the rifle discharged. Remington assured me that that particular trigger was not part of the faulty trigger "batch". I said F/I and had all new Timney triggers installed in every 700 action I had. These large firearms mfg's will tell you everything you want to hear and rarely admit to genuine issues. I've had my share of run ins with a few. That's why is so refreshing to deal with smaller, high quality, US made products. 3 likes
  -  laruetactical @spentbrasscasing ... The Timney I picked for the Siete is almost too light ... 5 likes
  -  spentbrasscasing @laruetactical My Dad used to say, "unless I'm hunting, I want that trigger to surprise me". Not sure about all that but there is some truth to it. 2 likes
  -  crazyornothing @laruetactical yeah I accidentally had my Timney on my rem 700 at .8 pounds and it wasn't even igniting some primers so I put it back to 2 lbs 1 like
  -  spentbrasscasing @(null) 🤔
tomknowles7 Took that question as an insult... had to clear up the confusion 😂😂 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @tomknowles7 ... You just confused me with your random post 😳
  -  tomknowles7 @laruetactical the joke being its almost offensive to assume such a poorly manufactured part could dream of being part of the best rifles on the market 🙌 1 like
schreinertx I had a customer who's son shot himself in the leg with a Remington 700 because it discharged while he has it slung over his shoulder, barrel down, with the rifle on safe. They were able to show Remington it would fire on safe and Remington settled outside of court
The money went into a trust and when the turned 18 he got access and blew it all on drugs, women and rehab. 2 likes
  -  fattyyy1990 @schreinertx what a hero 1 like
  -  fattyyy1990 @schreinertx @patrick.conway.984
  -  patrick.conway.984 @fattyyy1990 eeeehhh
tacticalslings I can't count how many students tried to tell me they had 2 lbs Remington triggers they adjusted that were " Safe". Only to have me prove in two seconds they were not safe. Great 3lbs trigger. Don't go lower 3 likes
phil.wiesner If I'm not mistaken.. not all of them were from people messing with the trigger.. they didn't work properly from factory.. and it wasn't just the 700 .. we had a Remington 22 that would fire occasionally when the safety was removed I believe the gun was a 60's model 1 like
  -  laruetactical @phil.wiesner ... There's always exceptions ... go figure 2 likes
imyrhandyman 70's, 80's, 90's & right up to when Remington went with the X Mark. I'd get them in the shop all the time & still do occasionally. It's always the same story as if an experienced gunsmith can't tell the triggers been mucked with. The walker trigger was a good trigger if you maintained it properly & didn't screw with it.
  -  texasbagman @imyrhandyman Correct. And people need to stop using WD-40 as a lubricant. It sucks and will quickly dry leaving thin varnish like coating. The more you use it, the worse it gets. Though if the people who had trouble for whatever reason had followed the 4 rules of firearms safety we wouldn't be talking about this. 1 like
  -  imyrhandyman @texasbagman true on all accounts. WD-40, graphite, lithium grease I've seen just about everything you weren't suppose to use. In reality if you just squirt some lighter fluid through it & blow it out with some air, you're good to go.
joseph5myers Timney triggers are really good but I have never felt anything better than the Trigger tech zero travel triggers and they are approved for military use. 4 likes
rob_clark71 Back in my 20s, before I knew any better, I had a 70's R700 7 mag rifle. Got my first deer with it and I attempted to unload it before dressing the deer. Safety was on so bolt wouldn't cycle, undid the safety and BOOM! It went off. Thankfully I had it pointed away from people so no injuries. I kept it for a while but got in a bind & had to pawn it. I miss the scope on that sucker more than the rifle. A Leupy vari x III 50 mm. 😩
sreym_divad Solid facts. 1 like
getupusa Good point. 1 like
jsg_nmts No "unintentional discharges" here, thank you.
gunbunker1 Perfectly said. 1 like
mlt2671 I changed all my rem 700 triggers to Timmeys. REM did a recall on one. So I did them all. Never had an issue with them but before but with all the bad press over years and and rem getting sued and finally admitting there was problems with the 700 trigger from the beginning. I do know of two incidents involving police snipers having ADs with their 700s. Luckily both were during training and no one was injured.
realwarthog71 Are we talking Walker, 40X, or Xmark pro?
voodoo13fox True story 1 like