... In case you want to compare the red dot to a quarter. A quarter shows to be 0.956" in diameter. The Red Dot is exactly 1.000" in diameter. It looks like I missed dead middle by 0.360". At 1,000 yards, 0.360" x 10 = 3.600" 🎯 ML
1,087 likesk_bash88 6.5 creedmoor? 1 like
coach.5 Nice😎 3 likes
jmhill2469 Shit give us details or the rifle and glass lol 6 likes
  -  _sambo24_ @jmhill2469 go to the previous post. 5 likes
  -  laruetactical @_sambo24_ ... LOL, thanks Hoss. 💯 5 likes
esqphoto @laruetactical Still would have missed George. Standards Mark, come on man! 😂 (nice shooting!) 1 like
longrangechile 🙌🙌 1 like
b_converse 1000k damn! 😮👏🔥 1 like
bigpaul250 Not talking s**t about your skills or your gear, but no way can you extrapolate a miss 0.36" @100 yards to a miss of 3.6" @ 1k with a 6.5. I get what you are trying to say, but that caliber is just not made for that range. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @bigpaul250 ... Thanks Bud, for squaring me away and all that. 10 likes
  -  connelldad @bigpaul250 6.5 isn't "made" for 1K? 😂 4 likes
  -  coachmustachio @bigpaul250 lol nerd 1 like
  -  torchytt @bigpaul250 tell me don't shoot long range without telling me you don't shoot long range 18 likes
  -  goodrich276 @bigpaul250 are you serious?
  -  jordanlrick @bigpaul250 you must also think .308 isn't a 1000 yard round. 1 like
  -  sixeightspc @laruetactical imagine being so oblivious that you shrug off the work of a precision machinist with multiple patents and a multimillion dollar rifle manufacturing business. 1 like
  -  lancehulstein @bigpaul250 I shoot past 1,000 yards with my 6.5 every time it comes out the case. Seems fine to me at that range. 1 like
  -  nickfiderius @bigpaul250 I've got plenty of hole riddled paper that would disagree with you! Would you say that military grade assault weapons "arent made for" us meager peasants. Give uncle joe and auntie Kamala a hug for me when ya see em! Cmon man, when ya have to start with "I'm not talking s**t", that's a good sign that you about to spew s**t all over! I love Instagram, everyone knows more than the expert. Could you grace us with your credentials that put you on the same plane as @laruetactical ?
  -  george.robinson.792 @laruetactical 😂
  -  george.robinson.792 @bigpaul250 someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't 6mm and 6.5mm two of the most used long range rounds ever made? I apologize if I'm wrong, but I think I'm right!😁
eocsis_86 @kodiroberts95 🤗🤗🤗 1 like
  -  kodiroberts95 @eocsis_86 pretty decent lmao
liltank308 That's just unacceptable. You missed the quarter. Need to go to the reloading bench and figure that out!!!😂😂😂😂 3 likes
firstcoastfirearms Did he just say 6.5 is not made for 1000yds?that's news to us 5 likes
  -  laruetactical @firstcoastfirearms ... Yep, that's what he said 🤷 4 likes
  -  slappomatt @firstcoastfirearms no it's made for 2000 yards 😜
dune_shoot Great group! ;) 1 like
deviantmethodpins Badass!
reagan.911.991.c2 Now you post siht like this making me want 6.5 all over again
steve.master.718 The heavy for caliber .264" (6.5mm) bullets have about as high of a ballistic coefficient as you can get. I don't agree with guys taking large game such as Elk at extended ranges with the 6.5; there just isn't enough retained energy for an ethical kill, but it's a mighty fine paper hole punch out to about 1,500 yards. Most long range competitors are shooting 6mm and 6.5mm for a reason - they work and they're accurate.
tennantch2019 And if you wear progressive lenses (they suck) this is just an entertaining read; your eyes are good enough to know what your doing at that distance. You're 600 yds and below with confidence and can buy almost any larue and out shoot your friends!