... Our seventh Sunnen hone powered up today. Observation - I bet Sunnen is on some SuperPower's nuclear strike list. Just sayin' ... 😎 ML
200 likeskurt_stl67 @laruetactical damn that's a good looking machine!
- laruetactical @kurt_stl67 ...😎 2 likes
jafreeland The don't chip a mandrel 🤢💵
thebigiam8 What do you use the Sunnen hone for?
- laruetactical @thebigiam8 ... Barrels and all sorts of other stuff that we want to hold a hole diameter to dead nuts on ... 😎 5 likes
- thebigiam8 @laruetactical Do you use it to drive a small brush type hone for the barrel bores? I cannot imagine there being a honing head and stones that would fit inside the barrel bore.
- laruetactical @thebigiam8 ... It's a honing head and hones ... and a wonder of the world. 1 like
- thebigiam8 @laruetactical I looked around online. The tooling looks more like a reamer than the adjustable head type that I am used to. Interesting.