... Filling another UPS truck with LaRue Accuracy Boxes us ML
1,076 likesbradleyaten So glad got mine just before Christmas.
inspectornot2t Definitely would like some PedatARs to start rolling out... 4 likes
  -  juschris2 @inspectornot2t same.
  -  inspectornot2t @tdb19872 Dang! I've been waiting over 6 months. Maybe they are working them in some weird alphabetical order 🤣
tpapaleo9 None of those look like my stealth stripped upper 😞
  -  kdoepowers @tpapaleo9 little boxes get put on truck first 1 like
321silver Mbt soon?
  -  laruetactical @321silver ... MBTs goin' out 5 days a week. 2 likes
travismbrown Predatobr?
  -  mdunkin75 @travismbrown 😂 I've been waiting 9m for mine, so don't get your hopes up.
  -  travismbrown @mdunkin75 when did you order. Been waiting since November.
  -  mdunkin75 @travismbrown last July.
keegan.asher Any chance of a 6.5 grendel in there?
jd_vr6 LT839?
sarcasmk1ng lets gooooo!
kepo.johnson Order my UU 18in 5.56 unassailable on 3/11 shipped 4/8 received 4/13. Still waiting on my UU 18in 6.5G glad to have one of them in!!!!
  -  jdo.23 @kepo.johnson When did you order the 6.5G? 1 like
  -  kepo.johnson @jdo.23 3/11
  -  jdo.23 @kepo.johnson I'm about the same, 03/05 1 like
esqphoto Keep up the good work @laruetactical 1 like
mikesuttontn Come on stealth sniper systems!!!!
jakusg_09 How's the wait times right now? I wanna say my PredatAR took about 9 weeks and I'm starting to have the itch for another
  -  inspectornot2t @jakusg_09 well, I ordered my PredatAR on 10/5/20, and I'm still waiting, so...
  -  jakusg_09 @inspectornot2t Oh wow. It's been almost 4 years since I bought mine so I guess times have changed lol. 1 like
guncentral.tx God bless you Mike!
nw_gunstuff Any quad rails shipping soon? Asking for a friend 😅 2 likes
whoismattwebb I want y'all to be like Arby's.
squirrely405 I need some dillo dust lol
colinm00 Looking forward to my trigger!
bmayes425 Can't wait to get the email! Keep them rolling out!
gun_se_ki That's funny UPS tells me they don't ship firearms ( to be repaired, etc )
  -  laruetactical @gun_se_ki ... They might've read some of your asinine posts🤷
goldie_n_az I wanted to order a UU 16" but I wanted the ACOG even more. Next time.
assaultlifedefense @johnrharris
  -  johnrharris @assaultlifedefense yep. No idea when mine is coming my way. 1 like
stevenmcclay6921 I got a shipping notice today for a 6.5 Grendel ordered when Mark sent the warning about prices not being static forever...thank you Mr. Larue!
  -  kepo.johnson @stevenmcclay6921 when was that?
stetsonamericanhorse 300blk SUURG runs on the calendar? My lower shipped. Waiting on the upper.
drenfro22 What's the wait time on MBTs? Ordered one on 2/25.
41gunner @big_eazzzy 1 like
randotactical Patiently hoping my 16" .308 UU kit is on there!
  -  mattt_g @randotactical I got the same! With the smaller handguard and predatar barrel 1 like
wesleysnipez08 PredatAR??? 3 likes
yeah_trout_that Hell yes!
d_mo88 Thanks Joe