... My grandad (on my mom's side) was an efficiency expert. He farmed with mules (because his labor was cheaper than a tractor & fuel). Anyhow, when leaned into, mules would overheat in east Tennessee's humid heat, so he had this standing order 💪 ML
487 likesold_man_strong Southern heat is no joke, there is no evaporation when it 90f 90%rh once you're sweaty, it's an all day affair. Boudreauxs butt paste or A&D ointment will limit the chaffing. 2 likes
jtac_tard Yep
michael_two_point_ohhh Can confirm from chattanooga. 1 like
mikeb945 My grandfather had a similar take. "The best way to take a break is to do something else for a while" that something else was never resting 4 likes
cl.holm89 Classic one from years back here "if you're hot and thirsty, drink some hot coffee, you'll sweat more so you cool down." 1 like
texasdinosaur I am 57, a pipeline welder and have never heard that. And I thought I had heard it all. Great!!!😂
b_4tenn @laruetactical Just curious, what part of East TN? Definitely sounds like it could be near me. 1 like
legionpreparedness Some still farm with horses where Im at. Side bar: when I was stationed in TX I met some folks who used real Rottweilers to work cattle. They said they were excellent cattle dogs except in the hottest parts of summer.