... 100 yards - MRGG-S 20" 6.5 Creedmoor, 1st group out of the rifle, the 4th, 5th, and 6th rounds fired ... to be exact. Leupold MR/T 2.5-8. All in all, Uncle Sam's 140 gr Berger Hybrid AR ammo is lookin' pretty good💪💯 us ML
1,050 likesaustinpriess @laruetactical any word on when the Siete will be available for purchase?
juanzo12 Do u sell pre fit barrels? I'm looking to eventually upgrade from the factory howa 1500 in 6.5, asking about profit due to the fact that there isn't any machinist or gunsmith that can turn barrels where I live.
thealmightyhollandv Were you using the UU for this? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @thealmightyholland ... Essentially 1 like
  -  thealmightyholland @laruetactical sweet
metallicasma Sheeeeesh 🙌 us 😰
hitman79_actual It's the future Boss- Glad you do what u do!!!👏
pi.stacheo Psssh fake. Only Bob Lee Swagger could do that. 1 like
billsnearly Not too shabby for an auto-loader.
esqphoto Send it!
davidkraig 😯
johnsmith6073 Someone point me to the sauce on Uncle Sams 140grain ammo? 1 like
ringjohne I remember when I use to target practice..... Back before the great ammo shortage of 2020.😢