That's me in the early 60s, cracking walnuts with a claw hammer high above the Little Tennessee River (seen in the background) before it disappeared under Tellico Lake. That rock I am sitting on is barely sticking out of the lake now, part of the most expensive lot in Rarity Bay. ML
366 likesmcardenhatcher A friend of mine told me several years ago that your family lost land when the Clinch River was dammed up back in the '30's... True story?
  -  laruetactical @mcardenhatcher ... Yep, Clinch River to Norris Dam, then Eagle Bend to Oak Ridge, then the Little T to Tellico Dam. ML
  -  mcardenhatcher @laruetactical ... I'm guessing that you & your kin aren't TVA's biggest fans. 1 like
  -  laruetactical @mcardenhatcher ... there'a no question that Norris Lake was needed as was the atomic work done at Oak Ridge. But what happened to the landowners under and within 1 mile of the Tellico Lake waterline was not done in the interest of flood control. ML 1 like
  -  jmvaughn @laruetactical Same thing happened to my family in Butler creating Watauga Dam. Displaced many families.
tn_patriot Mark - are you a native Tennessean? 2 likes
  -  laruetactical @tn_patriot ... Native as in born there ? No, I'm a career Navy brat, born while dad was stationed in DC. I spent 1st thru 12th at east Tennessee school, but moved to Texas in '78 and been here ever since. ML 3 likes
  -  tn_patriot @laruetactical 👊
def3va O Brother, Where Art Thou?
stephentemple5876 Mark- I used to run a boat dock here in Knoxville a handful of miles from the Tellico junction with Loudoun. I ran into a lady a bunch of years ago who said she was a cousin or aunt or something of yours. She noticed my LT hat and she seemed to have no idea how successful you guys have been. Funny stuff.
storman_67 Very cool👌
gdw949 Cool story, bro. Me and @rusty_keyboard boat there on holidays, the parents live there. Always interesting to read about the history underwater.
mckeonekert I bet you have a machine that will cut walnut precisely now. You have come a long way pilgrim.
cne7son Got my flat trigger today. Thanks Larue! Well worth the wait.