... BAM !! ... The LaRue Gun Club now has 50,000+ Members. Since I won't hashtag, y'all are woodsmen that correctly read the trail. Be advised, some of what I throw in here - my Wirehaired Pointing Griffon, old planes, every day life stuff, is here to throw Big Tex's hall monitors off. So far it's working, so let's keep messin' with Big Tex 😎
751 likeselr_shooter @laruetactical makes the most accurate AR style rifles hands down. Until I see something better I'm using Larue. 1 like
presswood_936 Unfollowed
  -  laruetactical @presswood_936 ... Deny everything ... make counter-accusations 😎 3 likes
cole_slaw77 I only own two LaRue products. A QD scope mount and a 2 stage AR trigger. Both are phenomenal products! 3 likes
  -  uklover8 @cole_slaw77 Gotta at least get one of their barrels, if not an upper.
  -  cole_slaw77 @uklover8 I know man. I saw a complete rifle of theirs at a gun show recently and was itching. The old lady wouldve had too many questions though. What can ya do? 🤷
  -  uklover8 @cole_slaw77 Their uppers are a great value for the money, start there and say "It was cheap, I had to get it!" 😆 1 like
threepereaper68 Bought one of your triggers finally 1 like
  -  laruetactical @threepereaper68 ... And ?
  -  threepereaper68 @laruetactical hasn't got here yet , I'll definitely let you know
  -  nm156v2 @threepereaper68 you're gonna love it
  -  threepereaper68 @nm156v2 👍🏻
  -  threepereaper68 @nm156v2 I've heard nothing but good things
  -  threepereaper68 @nm156v2 fastest shipping I've seen in a while , and it's awesomely smooth 1 like
  -  threepereaper68 @laruetactical and it's outfuckingstanding! 1 like
  -  nm156v2 @threepereaper68 oh yeah!!!!! 🙌
longrangesurfer Y'all gonna be cranking out .308 suppressors anytime soon? 3 likes
tailormadetargets Larue gun club needs to be a shirt 👕 🔥
coredneckinc More old planes! 🔥😂
alex.d.rockhound Hopefully you get to 69k soon so we can say "nice" 1 like
elr_shooter Congrats
csolstice032018 👏
dustyabner @laruetactical 😂😂 2 likes
jared06112 @laruetactical Any idea when we can expect the Seite to be released?
dustyabner I know this a long shot @laruetactical but how bout a 50k Seite giveaway!?
  -  laruetactical @dustyabner ... Giving away 50,000 Sietes is Elon Musk kinda money 🤷 20 likes
  -  sp0kanistani @laruetactical I'd settle for just one, I'll send my mailing address & FFL 😂
  -  curtdemel @laruetactical well played sir... well played... 2 likes