:.. Fellow plane owners ... these JPI gizmos are the tits 🛫 Gonna come in handy to make a non-stop coast-to-coast "stock" single engine event 💪 ML
282 likesinfringer13 Just please tell me the USD is for dollars per hour.... We used to fly to Tangier island for $500 dollar crab cakes. Tasted so good...
laruetactical @infringer13 ... USD = "used"
infringer13 @laruetactical that makes sense. Our cesna was before the modern glass screens....
laruetactical @infringer13 ... my panels are all still delightfully riddled with original steam gauges
stumpwso How far will the Navion fly on a tank of gas?
laruetactical @stumpwso ... It stayed in the air for 6.5 hours and change yesterday and landed with 10 gallons onboard
laruetactical @laruetactical ... And since we had a tailwind, it flew just over a 1,000 miles. But it's not a factor of how far you went, it's how long the engine had been running at a burn rate you're sure of.
stumpwso @laruetactical the flying I did, we were always worried about range. Burn rate only came in to calculate range and/or if we needed to add additional fuel. My knowledge/understanding of smaller aircraft is woefully lacking.
j_frank24_ And now you can REALLY find lean of peak....And back off a bit. 1 like
laruetactical @j_frank24_ ... I snapped that pic as we were descending in GTU ... we burnt 13.5 at 9,500 for 6.5 hours ... "Rangemaster" 😎 2 likes
rileyfrench1966 Some of you guys don't own badass companies and private airplanes... and it really shows
laruetactical @rileyfrench1966 ... Au contraire, le Navion Rangemaster is a fine airplane, with a new interior 😎 2 likes
the_angry_osprey 50k followers now! 2 likes
laruetactical @the_angry_osprey ... You're right !! 1 like
tadacad That's awesome 👌
c12dg_llc Lean of peak! 👍
m4global @cee_._vee