... Texas is systematically making folks own their own f**k-ups. Fall off a horse, and only good a lawyer can do is give you a leg back up. Shoot your buddy thinking he's a deer, ya can't sue the landowner ... "The Eyes Of Texas Are Upon You ...."
1,942 likesevlgreg And on the polar opposite end of the scale Biden would try to hold the gun manufacturer liable for any negligent or criminal actions taken by an individual if they happened to be using a lawfully manufactured firearm according to ATF procedures, and then sold through a federally licensed dealer, according to FBI background-check procedures. 7 likes
  -  cncappsjames @evlgreg *AFT 😜 3 likes
tacdaddy_209 I'm so damn proud to live in Texas 2 likes
watermark78 I just moved here and I frocking love it 1 like
rlreedjr A little more detail for other TX ranchers- don't forget the rest of the statute. In addition to posting the sign visibly on the front gate, this requires the use of a promulgated form of release language which may contain other release language. Still, CPRC 75A.002 (b)(1)(A) provides that there is no limitation on the agritourism entity's negligence evidencing a disregard for the safety of the agritourism participant. Translation: don't put somebody on the meanest mare on the ranch for a laugh. 7 likes
  -  53offsuit hang sign OR written release.. both not required but doesn't hurt 2 likes
  -  rlreedjr @53offsuit that's right, it is one or the other for that statutory limitation. We like the sign with a release that includes the statutory language, and a bit of a premises liability disclaimer for our paid hunts, but that's a little bit different than recreational guests under Texas law. 1 like
watchman323 That's how it should be. It would put many ambulance chasers out of business. 1 like
pi.stacheo You hurt yourself ? Well don't do it again dummy.
bdclone It's sad that we need laws and signs like this 1 like
drfrenchjr Lack of personal responsibility is a symptom of systemic woke fever! 4 likes
billdesmadri GOD BLESS TEXAS! 1 like
jordanlrick This should be a thing everywhere. 1 like
aka_martymcflysf Checks out. Just sayin.
7fabracing 🙌💪
billsnearly Do they also have those signs in English? Instead of lawyer obfuscation speak?
kodiak_precision Should be like that everywhere!
pawpawlammy What a concept. Personal Accountability! Pass it on! 2 likes
byrontabor The way it should be!!!!
unumetsuperare AMEN!!!! Always Liberty over safety.
d.w.jones You mean your responsible for your own stupidity:)
  -  laruetactical @d.w.jones ... Yep, like when I was "bombing" shad for bait by dropping big rocks off the bridge down into the shad runs in the creek below and fell flat of my back into the creek ... not the bridge builder's fault 🤷 1 like
axeonoptics Is this new? I know AR has had it for years.
bob_hunts_bears Mississippi has the same laws
brittzter13 As it "should" be
the_sultan_of_sausage Shoot a pig, not your buddy
lucas_richard97 Good shit wish we had this in Indiana
comradekoala You guys don't even have constitutional carry. COME ON, TEXAS! I thought you guys loved freedom and shit.
thumblessprimate 🧡🔥