... So we hiked down and looked and the 1.6 mils was a wee bit off ... a little low of center. That 14.5" "A" barrel, the assaulter barrel, doesn't perfectly fit Todd's 20" haulin' ass ballistics, but we still threw a bunch o' heart shots. 💪 ML
942 likesstevenzhouusa There is a key hole impact in the lower center?
  -  laruetactical @stevenzhouusa ... We must'a bounced one in. I said we are geezers. 🤷 5 likes
  -  djcdan5.56_ @stevenzhouusa not always a key with the 14.5 barrel the projectile is coming down at a slight angle it can do that sometimes but not necessarily be a tumble. Baffle strike or not it wouldn't have made it 360 in a tumble on target. They were probably using steal core ammo 1 like
  -  laruetactical @djcdan5.56_ ... or, like I said, we bounced one in. Meaning we hit the ground somewhere right in front of the target and she ricocheted into the target. 1 like
thirtythree_three Any idea why the one keyholed? We're you shooting at targets in the transonic range?
  -  thirtythree_three @thirtythree_three were*
  -  laruetactical @thirtythree_three ... Leupold was a 2.5-8 and we had it cranked up on "high" 🤷
arizona_twelve_sixtysix I so always wanted one of those targets
bryan_barker Should I buy a predatOBR or a predator? 1 like
  -  weightbuffet @bryan_barker yes 1 like
  -  torchytt @bryan_barker yes
mikesuttontn When's the next batch of 16" stealth sniper system uppers shipping out??? 😬😬😬
torchytt What distance? 1 like
  -  laruetactical @torchytt ... 360 yards
michaelsmith9405 @laruetactical will there be a civilian version of this new gun or just a .mil version.